How To Use An Espresso Machine- Does 7 simple steps are enough?

How To Use An Espresso Machine

The heart is relieved when you make something for yourself by your hand like driving some stick shift, making bread, and brewing espresso. No doubt espresso from a café is easy to get just you have to cover the distance, but as I told you before, the heart is relieved when you brew yourself. Brewing espresso offers the pinnacle of connection that away for love for your handmade pieces. Today we do 7 simple steps on how to use an espresso machine?

In the line of easy task pulling a shot of good espresso can’t be count. Learning how to pull espresso can be a painful learning curve, but follow the tips I am giving can make you virtuoso. Two things that must be kept in mind are to handle the machine ethically and second apply a method that leads to a great shot with much better taste.

How To Use An Espresso Machine

Making espresso on a manual espresso machine or semi or super automatic espresso machine can be scary. Half of the fear due to myths related to all knobs and lever. So before understanding how to brew espresso from the machine, understand some essential parts of the typical espresso machine. Get knowledge about each button and components, their purpose, and when to use it. 

Most espresso machines share standard features, although from different manufacturers. Here is some of it:


Grouphead is a place where portafilter being secure. More than one groupheads are present in large machines. It consists of a metal filter and rubber gasket.


It consists of a handle, spigot, and a brew basket. Put in espresso grounds that will be brewed then.


The most crucial part of the perfect espresso is a grinder. Freshly ground roasted beans before each shot for a taste that is beyond your expectation.

Hot water spigot:

From spigot boiling, hot water spits out. And it can also be used for tea other than espresso.

Steam wand:

For steam, there is a long metal tube called a steam wand. The flow of steam is controlled by a knob or lever present. 

Shot buttons:

These buttons are programmable for a single shot or double shot. These buttons cater to individual tastes. 

Warming rack: 

A place where mugs are heated before espresso is poured to them. This rack is mostly present in commercial espresso machines. But I must say small espresso machines should also have this feature. 

Temperature and pressure dial:

This dial has a purposeful function as it helps to keep temperature and pressure preferred for the tasty espresso shot.

Espresso scale:

Consistency is key to excellent espresso. No doubt, good espresso can be pulled without a coffee scale, but it is necessary if you want each day the same taste perfect espresso.

Choose some perfect coffee beans for your delightful espresso.

Choosing Coffee beans:

Espresso is made from various varieties of Arabica and Robusta beans. These beans have a different origin from different species of trees. Robusta beans are cheaper as it is cultivated in more areas of the world than Arabica. Arabica is more preferred as it gives mild flavor. While Robusta is stronger, coarser, contain more amount of caffeine. Robusta gives good crema, therefore mostly added for completion of taste and sweetness. 

Now let’s have a look at how to use the espresso machine.

espresso machine, coffee, cafe

How To Use An Espresso Machine

Be ready to pull a great shot of espresso. Don’t worry about the skill because after reading this article, you will be an expert brewer. You just need the right equipment. Step by step process is as under

1. Preheat the espresso machine:

To get the best shot from your espresso machine, preheat the entire machine. It almost requires 25 minutes, and this preheating time varies from device to device. 

2. Grinding the coffee beans

Ground the roasted beans, either you have an espresso machine with grinder or buying a separate grinder. Ground size matters a lot. If espresso pulled quickly, it means grinder size should be changed to a fine one. And if espresso takes an eternity to pull, then coarser grind will be the requirement. The taste of espresso also depends on grind size. If it is giving sour taste, it means espresso is under-extracted; therefore, the grinder will be replaced with a fine one. But if it is giving bitter then indicates espresso is over-extracted therefore replace grinder with coarser one.  

3. Measure the ground beans:

Remove the portafilter from the grouphead. Fill it with 20 ounces of ground coffee beans. Having consistency in everyday coffee wrote the number of ground beans you use in processing a perfect shot of espresso. If not, then measure according to the scale of the portafilter. Each manufacturer-recommended different capacities of the portafilter. Being sensible always fill up portafilter with recommended capacity.

Before tampering, there will be a pile of ground coffee, which is to be removed off. Use your sides of finger or hand to remove it, making it roughly smooth before applying pressure. Or you can lightly tamp the sides of portafilter by up and down movement of it. 

4. Tamping:

Once you are done with rough smoothing of surface now starts tamping. Experts say that press down straight to have extraordinary tamping because if the minute amount of uneven puck left, it leads to under, over hence inconsistent extraction. You can use pressure for tamping too. A rule for tamping is to tamp until the settling of ground stops, attaining a proper level top of grounds. After tamping, use the brush to remove any other fields that are clinging to side or top of the portafilter. Now your ground is ready for brewing. 

5. Pulling of Shot:

Fix portafilter again to grouphead. Now starts the brewing process by switching on the button or press the start button. Either you need a single shot or double, press button according to it. If you own a manual espresso machine, then press the stop button manually. If you have a super automatic espresso machine, then the machine stops automatically when brewing completes. Automatically inhibits feature is also present in semi automatic espresso machine.

Pull your first shot within 10 to 15 seconds. If pulling time is in this range, then congrats you have pulled a great cup of espresso. It will surely be dark and rich, sweet, and mouthwatering. Now be ready to try again and again for a consistent glorious morning delight.

6. Dialing:

Best practice for dialing is to have a diary or journal to have a record of every step. Steps include measuring and grinding to pulling off the shot. If your machine has temperature and pressure gauge, then program it after the first shot to have the same espresso next time. If not, then taste espresso and make up your mind. If it is extraordinary, then follow all the same steps if not then make another try until you succeed. 

Roasting of beans should also be of the same nature. If you are switching between light and dark roasting, then repeat the dialing process also. Dark roasted beans over-extract, so use a coarser grind.

Okay, now up to here, the essential steps of the espresso are over. Now decide whether you love Italian style espresso that is pure espresso or an admixture of milk. If yes, for milk, then don’t go here is the next step for you. 

Now let’s have a look at how to work with milk.

7. Milk steaming with a steam wand:

I hope you have an espresso machine with steam wand built-in, if not, then buy separate milk steamer for perfect steaming. Milk pitcher is usually made of stainless steel material, poured the cold milk into it. On the steam wand immediately to remove any type of condensation that result in damage of wand. After it place the steam wand tip just below the milk’s surface, steam the milk until you reached your desired consistency of foam or froath.

Once your desired froth is achieved, move steam wand tip to the bottom of the vessel until the required temperature is reached. The recommended temperature is 55-65 degrees centigrade. According to experts at this temperature, the foam will not be affected as all fat is converted to liquid. Remove the wand and wash it properly.  

For desired milk foam, you have to heat milk to the proper temperature. If heat milk a little bit, then the foam will destroy, it will not stay together. If heat more than the required temperature, milk gives a burnt taste. So practice for the perfect shot.  

Cleaning of the steam wand:

The steam wand is hot, so immediate cleaning is required. Otherwise, leftover milk on it will be cooked, leading to many health hazards. For cleaning took a paper towel, fold it four times, and then wet it. Now wrap it around the end of the steam wand and hold it. Allow the steam wand to give a short burst to the towel. Extra milk will be removed out of the wand. Now take another sheet and remove any additional residues from the wand. By doing this entire task make sure your hand remains protected.

Final Thoughts:

This is all how to use espresso. I hope the espresso you make will be creamy dark rich and full of flavor. Now you are an excellent barista enjoy your success with the espresso you made.

If you have a love for espresso but never fall beyond the limits in its passion, it has some side effects. It is a psychoactive drug, so drinking in excess can harm your body both physically and mentally. 

So drink what you desire but always remember about your body health too.

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